2933 King St East

2933 King St. East, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, N2A 1A8 Show map

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5.4 Review score 64 reviews Add a review
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Facilities at 2933 King St East

20 Rooms Free Wi-Fi Free parking Pet friendly Disabled rooms & facilities Non-smoking rooms available

The hotel is situated a 10-minute drive from the centre of Kitchener. Rates at the 2933 King St East are likely to rise due to current high demand - search your dates now to see live prices and lock in our very best rates.


Ideally set in Kitchener, the 2933 King St East Hotel offers value hotel accommodation with twenty bright & generously appointed rooms. See 10 hot stay deals at up to 37% off at the hotel on several dates in April & May. Facilities include nearby parking, plus free Wi-Fi in all areas of the property.

All hotel rooms at the 2933 King St East come with tea and coffee-making facilities, including a hospitality tray, fresh towels, toiletries, and a hairdryer. In addition, the well-designed non-smoking, disabled & pet welcome rooms have a flat-screen TV for your convenience.

The overall review score of the 2933 King St East is 5.4/10 based on 64 verified guest reviews.

Map of the 2933 King St East in Kitchener

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About the 2933 King St East

Welcoming guests via Lodging World since 2012

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2933 King St East has 10 deals on selected nights.

FAQs for 2933 King St East

  • How far is 2933 King St East from Kitchener centre?

    2933 King St East is 3.3 miles from Kitchener centre

  • Is 2933 King St East pet friendly?

    Yes, pets and dogs are welcome at 2933 King St East. Please use the special requests box when booking to inform the property of the type and number of pets you wish to bring.

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*Up to 37% off rates are based on low occupancy nights in Kitchener, Ontario, which includes taxes & fees. All rates are subject to availability and may indicate per-preson rates

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